29 June, 2012

A Winter Outfit Of The Day :)

Hola Chicas :)

Yesterday I went out with a friend for the day; it was really good weather for a change, as it has been miserable for the past week, raining and absolutely FREEZING!! The day was not hot but it wasn't cold either, it was just right. We went to the Botanical Gardens and then walked around North Wollongong (near the beach), in the sun. We then had some lunch at a cafe, which was called 'Levendi', overlooking Wollongong Harbour :) It was a great day!

I have been wanting to post an 'Outfit Of The Day' for a while now, but I never find the time to take pictures of what I am wearing, and by the time I return home, I am extremely tired. So, since I had a bit of time before my friend picked me up, I decided to take a few pictures and share with you what I wore for my day out :) 

Black Dolman insert top from Kmart ~ $15
Black leggings from Kmart ~ $8

Cute Cream flats from Kmart
~ $8
Ring from Equip ~ $3
Pearl beaded bracelet from Equip ~ $5 

My mum actually received this scarf from
Spain as a gift from my auntie
15 = $18

There you have it! I think this was a very casual but nice outfit for a sunny winters day. On top of this outfit, when it was a bit chilly during the day, I wore my black coat that I bought from ICE, which you can view below: 

Black coat from ICE ~ $39.95
This coat also comes with a hood, but you are able to remove the hood from the coat!

I will also tell you about the make-up products that I used on a another post that I will post really soon for this look:

Hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you are all having a lovely weekend :)


12 June, 2012

Tag: This or That?

Hola chicas! I have been extremely busy with University exams that I have not had the time to post in my blog :( But today, since I am having a lazy day and it has been raining ALL weekend, I though it would be fun to do a tag! I came across this tag a while back on missglamorazzi's channel on Youtube and it seems like a lot of fun! Here goes...

blush or bronzer: I would definitely have to say blush :)
lip gloss or lipstick: LIP GLOSS! It is a lot easier to apply than lipstick and I love the glossy look.
eye liner or mascara: Mascara
foundation or concealer: Foundation
neutral or colour eye shadow: Neutral. I do like colour eye shadow but for me, personally, I like the natural look.
pressed or loose eye shadows: Pressed. The loose eye shadow is way to messy for me. Ends up everywhere except for your eye lids :)
brushes or sponges: Definitely brushes.

OPI or China glaze: OPI
Long or short: I would have to say not too long but not too short either.
Acrylic or natural: Natural
Brights or darks: I prefer brights during the Spring and Summer, and the darker colours during the Autumn and Winter.
Flower or no flower: No flower

perfume or body splash: I'm a perfume girl! But I don't like to spray too much.
lotion or body butter: Lotion
body wash or soap: Body wash
lush or other bath company: LUSH!

jeans or sweat pants: Depends where I am. If I am staying at home throughout the day I like to stay comfortable, therefore I would wear sweat pants. But I wear jeans if I am going out for the day :)
long sleeve or short: I would have to say long sleeve.
dresses or skirts: Dresses
stripes or plaid: Stripes
flip flops or sandals: Flip flops
scarves or hats: SCARVES! I absolutely love scarves.
studs or dangly earrings: I would have to say studs. 
necklaces or bracelets: Necklaces
heels or flats: Flats
cowboy boots or riding boots: Riding boots
jacket or hoodie: Hoodie
forever 21 or charlotte russe: Have never been to these stores because we don't have them in Australia.

curly or straight: Curly
bun or ponytail: Ponytail
bobby pins or butterfly clips: Bobby pins
hair spray or gel: Hair spray
light or dark: Dark
long or short: Long
up or down: Up because it doesn't get in the way :)

Rain or shine: Shine
Summer of winter: Summer
Fall or spring: Spring
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla

So, there you have it! I tag everyone else to do this tag. It was fun to do. Enjoy!!
